The results of our work can be, and are regularly, presented in client consultations, written expert reports, and affidavits, as well as in expert testimony in deposition, arbitra-tion and trial. The presentation of the results of our work is determined by the requirements for the matter, and as requested by the client.
While looking in the list below for a forensic specialty (click on the underlined text to go to the specialties list), keep in mind that most of these forensic specialties are known by a number of different names, all of which may not be on the list. If a forensic specialty may be what you are looking for, but by a name you do not expect, you can check the description by clicking on 'summary' or 'detail' next to the name on the list.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about the work we do or how we would handle your matter. Of course, there is no charge for such consultation. Initial phone consultation is always free and available to meet your schedule, includ-ing outside normal office hours.
If your matter is within the forensic areas in which we work (click on the underlined text to go to the specialties list), which are listed immediately below and in summary form on the specialties section of the left sidebar, please contact us to discuss this matter with us. If you are not sure whether your matter is within our area of work, we would like to discuss the matter with you to determine if it is something within our work area, and if it is, we would like discuss with you how we could handle your matter.

Over more than the last 30 years we have regularly worked on accidents which occurred in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York and nearby, including inspections of accident sites, equipment, and facilities, with reports and testimony. During these 30 years we have also worked on accidents which occurred in other states, and equipment and facilities located in other states, with inspections of accident sites, equipment, and facilities, from Kansas and Utah to Vermont and North Carolina, with reports and testimony for these accidents, when applicable.
Geographic Area of Work is North America
For more on qualifications click on >>>
James D. Madden, P.E., Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, while performing Forensic Engineering work for more than 30 years, for both plaintiff and defendant, has:
Forensic Engineering Work by Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E.
● completed over 1100 cases
● written and issued over 700 reports
● testified in over 100 depositions
● written and issued over 70 affidavits
● testified in over 90 trials and arbitrations
● verbal reports, by telephone or in face-to-face conferences
We present the results of our investigations, engineering analyses and reconstructions in
the client's choice of any, or all, of the following:
Presentation of results of our work
● written reports and affidavits
● deposition testimony, including video deposition
● trial testimony and arbitration testimony
The qualifications of James D. Madden, P.E., Senior Forensic Engineer, Consulting and Testifying Forensic Engineer and Accident Reconstruction Engineer,
Download a Summary or Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume' for James D. Madden, P.E.,
by clicking on the buttons below for printable pdfs of the CVs.
Qualifications of James D. Madden, P.E., Senior Forensic Engineer
Download Curriculum Vitae
are listed on the Expertise and Work & Specialties pages (click on buttons to the left).
For mailing address, phone, fax and email address click a button below the Fee Schedule section.
Contact us by phone, fax, mail or email for a copy of the Fee Schedule for charges for engineering and consulting services and testimony. Click a button below for contact information.
Consultation is available before starting a case. We invite you to consult with us.
There is no charge for an initial phone consultation.
Call us, or if you prefer we can schedule the consultation in advance.
Consultation with James D. Madden, PE, a Professional Engineer, and Forensic
Engineering Consulting and Testifying Expert Witness, is available to the client at all
times during the work - before, during, and after the investigation,
engineering analysis, reconstruction, report, and any other work on the case.
● premises, building and property accidents, including slips, trips and falls summary • details
● workplace - construction, industrial & commercial operations and facilities summary • details
● traffic accidents, traffic crashes, including roadway design and condition summary • details
▪ with work in the following basic specialties as part of the work with the specialties listed above:
● hazardous combustion, including causing carbon monoxide poisoning summary • details
We do work in the following forensic specialties:
click on "summary" or "details" for Specialty information
● industrial, commercial and construction equipment, machinery summary • details
Our Forensic Engineering Work - Working with Us
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Copyright 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 by Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, and by James D. Madden, P.E. All rights reserved.
This website contains photographs which are licensed with restrictions that prohibit downloading, reproduction, re-publication or re-transmission.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions routinely for accidents / incidents and cases located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York, in the technical areas which are noted in this website, as well as providing expert reports and testifying in court proceedings in these states in the capacity of an Expert Witness, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials. Forensic Engineering work has also performed in, and/or for cases in, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Vermont, Kansas and Utah, with testimony in deposition and court in West Virginia and Kansas.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions for accidents / incidents and cases in the metropolitan areas of Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Mansfield, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lima, Findlay, Marietta and Steubenville, Ohio, as well elsewhere throughout Ohio, and the metropolitan areas of Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania, as well as elsewhere throughout western and central Pennsylvania, and the metropolitan areas of Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Flint and Port Huron, Michigan, as well as elsewhere in southern Michigan, and the metropolitan areas of Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, as well as elsewhere in western and central New York state. In many of these areas James D. Madden, P.E. has provided expert reports and testified in the capacity of an Expert Witness in court proceedings, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials.
Latest updates to the overall document and activity counts (reports, affidavits, cases, trials, and depositions), and counts of the number of individual specialty cases reported in this website were completed 7/15/2020. The updates of the overall document and activity counts and the counts of the number of individual specialty cases for the period between 12/2007 and 7/15/2020 were based only on the documents produced, and thus are under-counts (i.e. cases without a report or affidavit were not included in the counts).
James D. Madden, P.E. is our Senior Forensic Engineer,
Accident Reconstructionist and Engineering Expert Witness
■ Number of ● Cases worked on ● Reports issued ● Affidavits issued ●Testimonies under oath
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Table of Contents for Home Page - Introduction - links to content on this page
■ Our Work, Working with Us
■ Typical Work Activities
■ Presentation of Work Results
■ Sr. Engineer's Experience & Qualifications
■ Curriculum Vitae, CV, Resume' (left boxes)
■ Fees, Contact Information
■ Geographic Area of Work
■ Links to Other Pages (left sidebars)
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Our work investigating, analyzing and reconstructing accidents, and presenting the results, may include any
or all of the following, depending on the needs of the case:
Our Typical Work Activities and Products, when warranted by the case
● inspection of the accident site, such as a roadway, outdoor facilities, building or industrial facilities
inspection of the involved equipment, in post-accident condition, including in damaged condition (such as crashed vehicles)
● interviewing witnesses (often during the inspection of the accident site, product and/or equipment)
coordinating or interfacing with others while they are preparing specialized exhibits such as video animations and videos of demonstrations
review and study of case documents, evidence and applicable codes, standards, regulations and recommended practices
● providing written reports and affidavits, and exhibits for reports and/or testimony
● testing accident items and exemplar items (such as consumer products)
● photography and/or video of the accident site and involved equipment
● providing testimony in deposition, trial and arbitration
inspection of the involved equipment, when it is available for operation, during operation (such as industrial equipment), and in damaged condition (if it has been damaged, such as crashed vehicles)
performing engineering analysis and accident reconstruction, including preparing drawings, calculations, graphical analyses, computer analyses, etc. as required to analyze and/or reconstruct the accident, and to present the engineering analysis and reconstruction
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Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
1700 West Market Street, Suite 318, Akron, Ohio 44313
or contact us for our Cleveland Ohio address
phone: 440-838-0640 or 440-832-9540, fax: 440-838-1192
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
over 30 Years Investigating, Analyzing, Reconstructing & Testifying about Accidents
Forensic Engineering & Scientific Accident Reconstruction
Optional Fixed Fee Preliminary Accident Evaluation Available
working in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nationwide, from Cleveland and Akron, Ohio
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, during the more than 30 year practice of James D. Madden, P.E., BCDFE, in Forensic Engineering, including Traffic Accident Reconstruction, has investigated, analyzed and reconstructed accidents in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, West Virginia and other nearby states, and a number of other states between Connecticut and Utah. We perform work for plaintiffs and defendants, in civil and criminal litigation, and other dispute resolution. We are available for forensic engineering work, including traffic accident reconstruction, throughout North America.
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As noted above (click on the underlined text to go to the discussion above), for over 30 years we have specialized in the investigation, engineering analysis, and reconstruction of accidents and incidents causing injury, death and property damage, and the engineering analysis of the safety of products, equipment and facilities involved in accidents and incidents. We have performed this work for both plaintiffs and defendants over this whole period.
For continuation of the discussion, above, of our work, with more details and links to more specific information about the various subjects, go to the section titled: "Our Forensic Engineering Work" (Click on the underlined words at the left to go to "Our Forensic Engineering Work"). Additional information on the subjects discussed above is also provided in the subjects immediately below (click on the underlined words), and also on this page's "Table of Contents" (click on the underlined words).
See the Left Sidebar (click on the underlined words) for links to additional and related subjects with more details on other pages. Also note the presence of links throughout the pages of this website, to areas on the same page like "top of page" (and other areas on the same page), for ease in navigating through the pages.
Generally on this website, click on the underlined words to go to the underlined listings.

In our Forensic Engineering practice, we perform forensic analysis of traffic ac-cidents, premises accidents, and workplace accidents (industrial, commercial, drilling/mining, construction, etc.) - and accidents involving consumer prod-ucts, machinery, mechanical equipment and combustion equipment - and acci-dents involving contact with, and/or escape of, chemicals, gases or other haz-ardous materials. The analysis includes consideration of the relation of the acci-dent to financial damages, and to injury or death, whether from physical trauma or fire, explosion, or contact with chemicals, gases (e.g. carbon monoxide), or other hazardous materials. Our forensic engineering work includes accident analysis and reconstruction, and analysis of the safety of products, equipment, vehicles, roadways, surfaces, materials, residences, plants, factories, other faci-lities, etc. This work includes consideration of human factors and the actions of persons in accidents, and also, consideration of the design, machine guards, safeguards, warnings, and code and standards requirements for the products, equipment, materials, facilities, etc. involved in accidents.
We also provide Consultation, Expert Reports, Affidavits and Testimony. Testi-mony has been provided in Discovery Depositions, Arbitrations, Hearings, and Trials. Testimony has been presented live in Trial in Federal Court, State Courts in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Michigan and Kansas, and local Courts in Ohio, as well as by video deposition for trial presentation in Ohio and Michigan. Live Trial Testimony has been presented both in person and via Zoom.

Investigations and inspections are a part of our Forensic Engineering work. This includes inspections of the sites of accidents, and also inspections of equip-ment, products, vehicles, roadways, surfaces, buildings, plants, factories, prop-erties, etc. involved in accidents, through hands-on inspections, and also through the study of photographic and video documentation of accident sites and equipment, etc., involved in accidents. The hands-on inspections augment (and are integrated with) the evidence otherwise documented for the accident. Also included in the investigations are investigations of processes, procedures and activities involved in accidents. Forensic Engineering Analysis and Accident Reconstruction has been performed, as appropriate, in the vicinity of the acci-dents, and also at our offices in the Akron and Cleveland, Ohio areas.
About Board Certified Forensic Engineer
> Traffic Accidents, Crashes |
> Premises, Bldg, Property |
incl. Slips, Trips & Falls |
> Workplace - Industrial, |
Commercial, Construction, |
Farm, Forest, Extraction |
> Equipment and Machinery |
> Equip. Fire or Explosion,  |
> Hazardous Combustion, |
incl. Carbon Monoxide  |
(CO) death or poisoning |
> Consumer Products |
> Chemicals and Materials |
incl. Gases & Compounds |
Basic Forensic Specialties
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E., is available for Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses, Accident Reconstructions, and testimony in depositions, hearings, arbitrations, and trials, for cases located throughout North America.
Main Forensic Specialties
CVs - Resume's open in browser tabs next to the tab for this page
Contact Us for a Free Initial Consultation at 440-838-0640
James D. Madden, P.E., Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer