● Completed the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) courses on fire and explosion
earned 2 engineering degrees, Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering, and took additional post-degree Engineering coursework, with coursework in:
● over 40 years of engineering experience since receiving the Masters of Engineering degree
- National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE)*
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)*
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)*
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)*
- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)*
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)*
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)**
- American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASABE)**
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)**
- International Code Council (ICC), former name: Building Officials & Code Administrators International (BOCA)**
- elected to Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Scholastic Honor Society
- elected to Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Scholastic Honor Society
- elected to Sigma Xi National Research Honor Society
- recipient of a National Science Foundation Grant for Undergraduate Research
- recipient of a NASA Fellowship for Graduate Study
Download a Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume' for James D. Madden, P. E.
by clicking 'Summary CV' or 'Detailed CV' at the right >>
Engineering Education and Qualifications of James D. Madden, P.E.
Post-Degree college coursework in Engineering and related fields by James D. Madden, P.E.
Seminars and Short Courses, Continuing Education taken by James D. Madden, P.E.
Recognition of Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden. P.E.
Membership in Technical Organizations - James D. Madden. P.E.
Contact us to discuss your case by phone at NO CHARGE.
This consultation can be scheduled in advance for your convenience.
● Technical Accident Investigation (2 weeks)
For mailing address, phone, fax and email address click a button below the Fee Schedule section.
Contact us by phone, fax, mail or email for a copy of the Fee Schedule for charges for
engineering and consulting services and testimony. Click a button below for contact information.
Engineering Experience of James D. Madden, P.E.
● completed over 1100 cases
Consultation with James D. Madden, PE, a Professional Engineer, and Forensic Engineering
Consulting and Testifying Expert Witness, is available to the client at all times during the work,
before, during, and after the investigation, engineering analysis, reconstruction, report,
and any other work on the case.
Over the last 30 years we have regularly worked on accidents which occurred in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York and nearby, including inspections of accident sites, equipment, and facilities, with reports and testimony. During these 30 years we have also worked on accidents which occurred in other states, and equipment and facilities located in other states, with inspections of accident sites, equipment, and facilities, from Kansas and Utah to Vermont and North Carolina, with reports and testimony for these accidents, when applicable.
Geographic Area of Work - North America
See details of the forensic work throughout this website, and a summary on the Employment page.
James D. Madden, P.E., Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, while performing
Forensic Engineering work for more than 30 years, for both plaintiff and defendant, has:
● written and issued over 700 reports
● testified in over 100 depositions
● written and issued over 70 affidavits
● testified in over 90 trials and arbitrations
● earned Professional Engineers license (P.E.) by taking:
the National Council of Engineering Examiners' (NCEE) examination in Fundamentals of Science and Engineering
● last 30 years of engineering practice has been in forensic engineering
● Vehicle Lamp Examination, covering collision damage interpretation (3 days)
● Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction (2 days)
● Computer-Assisted Traffic Accident Reconstruction (1 week)
● Continued Case Studies in Traffic Accident Reconstruction (1 week)
● Traffic Accident Reconstruction (2 weeks)
● Vehicle Dynamics (1 week)
● Attended engineering seminars presented by the National Academy of Forensic Engineers
Forensic Engineering Work by Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E.
click on red underlined words to go to the designated pages
Coursework taken by James D. Madden, P.E., at Northwestern University Traffic Institute and
Northwestern University Center for Public Safety
the National Council of Engineering Examiners' (NCEE) examination in Principles and Practices of Engineering in:
Board Certified Forensic Engineer - Board Certified as a Diplomate in Forensic Engineering by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards through the National Academy of Forensic Engineers
the 15 1/2 years of engineering practice before the start of the forensic practice was in engineering design and construction assistance
initial 1 1/2 years of engineering practice was in industrial operations, with continuing intermittent industrial operations after the initial 1 1/2 years in periods up to 3 months at a time
At the start of forensic work, completed refresher and additional post-degree college credit coursework and continuing education coursework in:
James D. Madden, P.E. earned Certificates of Successful Completion in 7 courses, over 8 weeks, in the Traffic Accident Investigation and Reconstruction program at Northwestern University Traffic Institute, including:
Attended the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) seminars on traffic accident investigation and reconstruction and product liability
Regularly attend additional technical courses and seminars each year as part of fulfilling the Continuing Education Requirement for the Professional Engineer's License
● Crash Data Retrieval (CDR)* Technician 1 & 2 Certification (2 days)
● Crash Data Retrieval (CDR)* Data Analyst Certification (1 week)
Crash Data Retrieval (CDR), also known as Event Data Retrieval (EDR), is the term for the retrieval of crash data, pre-crash data, and other recorded data from passenger cars, SUVs and light trucks using a specific software and hardware system designed for this purpose. This data is retrieved either directly from the Event Data Retrieval modules or through the Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC), using equipment specifically designed for this purpose. The specific names and acronyms assigned to this equipment can vary by vehicle manufacturer.
Qualifications & Experience - Table of Contents - links to content on this page
Also see the other pages listed below for related information
Use the Search Box at the left to search the whole website.
Use Control F, 'Ctrl' + 'F', to locate specific words on this page.
■ Number of ● Cases worked on ● Reports issued ● Affidavits issued ●Testimonies under oath
■ Post-Degree College Coursework
■ Traffic Accident Coursework
■ Seminars and Short Courses
■ Technical Society Memberships
■ Engineer License and Certification
■ Curriculum Vitae/Resume'
■ Consultation with Senior Engineer
■ Fee Schedule Availability
■ Geographic Area of Practice
■ Links to Other Pages (left sidebars)
click on the underlined squares to link to the subjects
■ Forensic Specialties page ...
■ Employment History page ..
■ Engineering Design page ...
for qualifications in each of the Forensic Specialties
for details of employment
for lists of equipment, components and facilities designed, and additional information about work performed, while working in Industrial Operations and Engineering Design
click on the underlined squares to link to the pages
* current membership for over 25 years **previous membership for over 25 years
over 30 Years Investigating, Analyzing, Reconstructing & Testifying about Accidents
Forensic Engineering & Scientific Accident Reconstruction
The CDR/EDR System is a specialized data collection and data readout system. The data in the CDR/EDR Report does not necessarily have the meaning that an untrained person reading the CDR/EDR Report might think. For this reason the CDR Data Analyst Certification program was established to train persons in the correct interpretation of the data so that persons who will be interpreting the CDR/EDR data can interpret it correctly.
James D. Madden, P.E. earned Certificates of Successful Completion in 3 courses over approximately
1-1/2 weeks, , and the associated 3 Certifications, in the Traffic Accident Investigation program for CDR Certifications, at Northwestern University Center for Public Safety, including:
> Traffic Accidents, Crashes |
> Premises, Bldg, Property |
incl. Slips, Trips & Falls |
> Workplace - Industrial, |
Commercial, Construction, |
Farm, Forest, Extraction |
> Equipment and Machinery |
> Equip. Fire or Explosion,  |
> Hazardous Combustion, |
incl. Carbon Monoxide  |
(CO) death or poisoning |
> Consumer Products |
> Chemicals and Materials |
incl. Gases & Compounds |
Basic Forensic Specialties
Main Forensic Specialties
Link to Website for J.D Madden, P.E., Board Certified Forensic Engineer
CVs - Resume's open in browser tabs next to the tab for this page
The website opens in a browser tab next to the tab for this page
About Board Certified Forensic Engineer
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
Copyright 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 by Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, and by James D. Madden, P.E. All rights reserved.
This website contains photographs which are licensed with restrictions that prohibit downloading, reproduction, re-publication or re-transmission.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions routinely for accidents / incidents and cases located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York, in the technical areas which are noted in this website, as well as providing expert reports and testifying in court proceedings in these states in the capacity of an Expert Witness, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials. Forensic Engineering work has also performed in, and/or for cases in, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Vermont, Kansas and Utah, with testimony in deposition and court in West Virginia and Kansas.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions for accidents / incidents and cases in the metropolitan areas of Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Mansfield, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lima, Findlay, Marietta and Steubenville, Ohio, as well elsewhere throughout Ohio, and the metropolitan areas of Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania, as well as elsewhere throughout western and central Pennsylvania, and the metropolitan areas of Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Flint and Port Huron, Michigan, as well as elsewhere in southern Michigan, and the metropolitan areas of Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, as well as elsewhere in western and central New York state. In many of these areas James D. Madden, P.E. has provided expert reports and testified in the capacity of an Expert Witness in court proceedings, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials.
Latest updates to the overall document and activity counts (reports, affidavits, cases, trials, and depositions), and counts of the number of individual specialty cases reported in this website were completed 7/15/2020. The updates of the overall document and activity counts and the counts of the number of individual specialty cases for the period between 12/2007 and 7/15/2020 were based only on the documents produced, and thus are under-counts (i.e. cases without a report or affidavit were not included in the counts).
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
1700 West Market Street, Suite 318, Akron, Ohio 44313
or contact us for our Cleveland Ohio address
phone: 440-838-0640 or 440-832-9540, fax: 440-838-1192
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E., is available for Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses, Accident Reconstructions, and testimony in depositions, hearings, arbitrations, and trials, for cases located throughout North America.